volunteer Magic
For more than half a century, the KCCA has delighted its membership with first-rate entertainment at a uniquely affordable price.
And it all happens as if by magic — with no paid staff!
But is it really magic? No! It's through the hard work of volunteers — and often far fewer of those than you'd think!
We know the KCCA's recipe works, because more than a thousand people flock to our concert series every year. But, let's face it: Successful growth is not sustainable without a regular influx of enthusiastic, community-minded volunteers.
By which we mean YOU!
Thank you for visiting this page. Please check the list of our current needs below. We will update it as new positions become available.
We remind you that only paid-up members of the KCCA are eligible to fill our volunteer positions
Thank you!

current & upcoming needs
Leadership Roles
Key Supporting Roles
Website and technical support
Community media relations and community outreach
Social media
Publicity materials design
Other Assistance
We are aiming to build a roster of volunteers available to help, on an as-needed basis, with mail-outs, distributing posters, assisting other members, etc.
Good to Know...
Board Positions:
Directors of the Board are elected for two-year terms, which may be extended twice, for a total of six years.
As is typical among non-profit and volunteer organizations, ours is a working board, with directors taking on significant tasks, such as membership management, concert programming, volunteer co-ordination, publicity and communications.
We meet as required, either in committees or as the full board, and there is an annual general meeting, usually in the fall.
Other volunteer positions:
Many of our volunteer roles track the rhythms of our concert seasons, with periods of heightened activity around the five concerts, interspersed by longer periods of calm.
Our busiest time tends to be at the launch of each new season in spring, while summer is always quiet.
Because we're all volunteers, we understand that people vary in how much time they are able to contribute. So we aim to ensure that our tasks fit your schedule.
All KCCA volunteers must be members of the organization in good standing.
The KCCA is a non-profit organization, operating under the laws of the BC Societies Act.